Saturday, 3 December 2016

Stop "Autoplay GIFs" On Your Telegram Mail Application

App is a Telegram message request alternative to WhatsApp messaging. Trends, but not Playstore. Telegram has affected many users and the shock due to the fact that the demand is to make money. The telegram mail application is in bitcoin making money. Telegram has many features and to top it all, has all the WhatsApp features. Therefore, there is no need to start distinguishing features.

I will say that the telegram is more characteristic of WhatsApp. Telegram is very easy to use and navigate through, but with this application there is a lot of functionality enabled draining your data that can be disabled. One is "Auto-Play GIFs". Gif Auto-Play is a built-in function in a telegram telegram that helps you to play Telegram gifs images before downloading. GIF images are like video, so when auto-play gif is activated, any gif file sent to a group or personal chat telegram will play automatically.

Advantages of self-play Gifs Images

It allows you to see gif images before downloading

To know what the image is before deciding to download

Stop "autoplay GIFs" telegram

To stop "Auto-Play" GIFs in its telegram mail application, run the ypur telegram application to tye and click Settings

Now, scroll down, you will see the automatic execution function Gifs off.

That's all. You have now disabled Autoplay gifs in your telegram to improve the messaging experience.

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