Saturday, 3 December 2016

How To Get Approval Of Google AdSense For Your Blog Blogspot (Hosted) - 2016

Google AdSense is one of the major advertising networks that pays publishers ads that show Google AdSense ads on your platform / online business. Google AdSense ads can not be displayed on the blog / sites, videos (YouTube) and Applications. Google AdSense today is now stricter in approval unlike before, when they apply, get approved immediately. But now google does not even accept people in their AdSense program for certain reasons.

In this article I will discuss how you can get a fast approval from Google AdSense for domain blog host is will be hosted AdSense account that only appear on your blogspot domain.Com.

Sign up for AdSense blog is very easy. This is in the "Earning" registry in your blogger's panel. But you need to make your blog ready for AdSense before you sign up. After your domain is fully ready to AdSense, you can now sign up for AdSense.

Note: Ignore obtaining a custom domain name because it is a that we are talking about here. Hosted domains quickly gets approval.

How to register?

Now that your blogs are ready for AdSense, go to your blogger dashboard and navigate to  and go to the Earning section, then click Sign up for AdSense and follow the procedures on each page.

On the account information page, provide your actual data and insert them carefully. You can also be asked how it came to know AdSense, choose "Conference" and send it.

If your blog meets all AdSense requirements their sites will be approved. If you do not approve, you can see the AdSense dropout message and how to resolve it here.

How to Start Showing Ads

After your domain is approved for AdSense, you should start running ads on your site to start making money with your ads. But before that, I beg you to wait at least 10 hours before you start implementing ads. If it is approved and immediately create an ad and implement them in your blog, it will not be displayed immediately. Therefore, wait at least 10 hours.

You can also maximize your Google earnings from creating apps for your blog and implement Google AdMob ads on it. You can also use other ad networks to monetize applications.


The Host Blogger domain get fast approval unlike custom domain. So if you are a guy using and need an AdSense for him to use this article and I'm sure it will help.

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