Thursday, 10 November 2016

Twitter Awards 'Gold' Customer Service To Apple's Support Account

In the first annual Twitter Awards, which was announced earlier this year, Apple Twitter received the "Gold" awarded #Customer. The microblogging service said that Apple has used its @AppleSupport account, which opened earlier this year to respond quickly to customer service requests.

Twitter also points out that because of its real nature support Apple account was able to pick up conversations and help their customers. She also notes that Apple has received feedback from customers and has generated more than 150,000 and Retweets since its launch in March 2016 year. This has helped @AppleSupport to become the main support Twitter account compared to commitments.

The average customer service online response time is long, tiring 17 hours. Hours! @AppleSupport Decided to do something about this sad statistic and use Twitter to answer customer questions and comments. Due to the lively nature of Twitter, they are also able to pick up conversations with customers at any time, and incorporate rich media responses to provide even more help to people when and where they need it most.

The @AppleSupport account is used by Apple to share tips and tricks on its various products and services and help customers with questions or problems. Apple also uses tweet Twitter to ensure that their responses to customers do not appear on your Twitter profile page. So, when visiting the Twitter profile of AppleSupport, only see the shared account tricks and tricks.

While many companies seem to automate your Twitter support account, Apple's support account does not respond with automated responses. Thus, it is better able to understand the problems that your customers are facing and to respond accordingly.

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