Thursday, 10 November 2016

Get UC Mini Handler Settings For Glo 0.00kb Free Browsing Cheat - Unlimited Download

Glo 0.00kb free tips through UC navigation Mini Handler continues to operate and now with unlimited download, even if people have had trouble downloading this tweak before, but hey, the solution is for now you can download as want, as long as you follow the trick in this publication.

This trap works only in the UC Browser Mini Manager
No acceleration speed
The trick does not enable all applications
It's completely free, so we call glo 0.00 tricks
Interestingly, there is unlimited
Remember that you must be in the plan Glo Pay As You Go (Payu), please PayU SMS to 127 if it is not in the plan. Now, once you get a response that "it uses the data from pay as you go sailing." Active mode ✈ aircraft for several seconds, then turn it off in normal mode. Then continue with the following parameters.
First, download UC Mini Handler here

APN settings
✔ APN: gloflat
✔ Type of APN: default & Supp Tick
✔ Proxy: leave blank
✔ Port: leave blank
Now open the application controller CPU on your mobile phone and put it with the following parameters:
✔ User Agent device: Click and choose Android
✔ Web User Agent: Click and select Opera or Safari
✔ download limit manager: 9999999991
✔ Brand eliminate port
✔ Proxy type: Real Host
✔ Proxy:
✔ actual proxy type: Default or HTTP
Puerto Real Proxy: 80
Save and open a website.

✔ To download a file, game, video or music,
✔ Go to the site as
✔ To download a film of the season, just select the movie you wish to download and choose to download 3gp or mp4
✔ Go to the discharge portion and long touch what you download and view three-point option, click it, then press the detail.
✔ Scroll down and press Copy, press the Back button, press the movie again, press something like the basket, press delete, then press Return.
✔ After that, press a new tab and go to a site like WebProxy or, remove the http: // or in the box
✔ Press and hold the box, press the press rubber or go sailing.
✔ Bring german.php or browse.php, delete or browse.php german.php, put the file name, ie, whether the film, the movie name e. G "Journal of Jennifer"
✔ then it ends with the extension .mp4 or .3gp
✔ For electronic music. G Alert Bank, ends with .mp3
✔ For PDF, for example, documentation files, ends with .pdf
✔ For an application, e. G Mobdro, then finish with .apk
After that, click Download name format and correct file as shown above and you are good to go. unlimited download you want with glo 0.00 rounds without interruption.
Meanwhile, in any case stop downloading at any time, you have to do is open a new tab, go to, log and continue downloading. Enjoy change duration.

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