Wednesday, 18 January 2017

How To Reduce The Risk Diseases Poses

Everyday our body battles with deadly but unseen enemies like the virus, bacteria and parasites. You might not be aware of this because your immune system may be highly active and may prevent any symptom from the onset. Sometimes, though, these harmful enemies may win against our immune systems and so, you may need to reinforce your treatments and medications.

Cities of old protected their cities with gigantic walls. This wall when breached at any point may endanger the inhabitants of that city. Our bodies are just like that walled city and we need to take extra measures to protect it.

There are 5 main ways through which we can be infected by diseases. These include:-
1. Water
2. Food
3. Insects
4. Animals
5. People.
Below, I will share measure one can take to prevent getting infected by disease from any of it's agents.

Just a cup of water you drank can send troop of harmful organisms straight into your body. So it is advised that you protect your water supply from contamination. It is better to treat your water at home as one cannot trust their source of water. It is wise to store your water in a portage and air-tight neat keg, and dispense it with a clean cup or through a tap.
Make sure that where you live, human wastes and other forms of wastes are properly disposed so as not to contaminate local sources of water.

Organisms that pose a threat to your body can be present in your food without your notice.
It does not depend on the appearance of the food because a healthy looking food might not be really healthy. Make sure you keep your kitchen very neat. Make sure you wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly. While cooking, wash your hands and the kitchen utensils you'd be making use of. Avoid foods that has discoloured or that has unpleasant odour or taste. Some foods are to be cooked at a particular temperature so take note because failure to comply, harmful organisms would be present. And do not cook while sick.

Some insects, when they bite you might infect you with harmful microorganisms. Try to stay indoors at times you know disease-carrying insects are active to limit contact with them. Wear protective clothing like long sleeves, trousers hoods. Sleep under treated insect nets. Make sure there are no containers containing stagnant water withing your surrounding because such places serve as breeding places for some insects.

Animals have microbes living in them harmlessly but may pose a challenge to us when infected. Especially when bitten, scratched by such animals or exposed to its feces. Minimize contact with your pets by keeping then outside your house. Even though you come in contact with them, wash your hands thoroughly and avoid all contact with wild animals. When injured by an animal, make sure  to wash your wounds thoroughly then seek a doctors advice.

Direct skin contact can also amount to this. Microorganisms can stick to door knobs, handrails, telephones, or computer keyboards and screens. So to avoid getting infected by such means, make sure you make "personal items" "personal items". Never you share things like blades, towels toothbrushes, etc. Avoid coming in contact with body fluids from other persons. Try to wash your hands very well and as often as you can. Try to stay home when sick. If everyone does this, being infected with diseases might be limited.

Remember that the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that you cough or sneeze into a tissue, handkerchief or your sleeve and not your hands.

Above are the precautive measures one can take to reduce the risk of diseases.

If you have further questions, or you know of further measures one can take, you are free to use the comment box below to let me know.

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