Sunday, 13 November 2016

How to Automatically Post Messages to Facebook using Hootsuite Blog

My fellow bloggers always send me emails and posts on how using hootsuite to drive traffic to my blog, I always explain, but some are still confused about how to use it effectively, so I decided to 'Write a tutorial on it so they can understand and those who have not heard about it can also use it.

Then we'll start. You can use Hootsuite to drive traffic to your site or blog, connecting with their Facebook, Twitter and GooglePlus so that you can schedule messages that are automatically displayed on these social media platforms.

You are now ready to use Hootsuite, go to: in your browser and register if you are a new user or login if you already have a hootsuite account. Once you have finished configuring your Hootsuite account and logged in, you will see the next screen.

Click "Add Social Networks", a new window appears as shown below:

You can only connect a social network if you still use the free account, but if you go to Hootsuite Pro, you can connect as much as you want. See the following screen after logging in to my Facebook account.

In the above screen you can see Facebook bands I'm a part of, but I can add 2 bands because I'm still using a free account, you now need to add the two bands you want to publish. Now, finished with Ish connection now allows to connect our flows to Hootsuite so that you can do the work for us automatically. Go to Publisher and click on '' RSS '' \

A new window appears, click '' RSS / Atom '' so that you can connect your power to Hootsuite so that whenever it's published automatically appear in their groups.

Now click on the icon below '' RSS / Atom ''

This is the screen you see above. Fill out the form as explained below:

Feed URL: Enter your blog address to send red feed items to: Select your Facebook profile or one of their groups.

Check this flow of new messages all: You can select every hour, two hours and so on. When new messages are sent to: Choose 1, 2, 3 and so on, Save power when you are done. read
How to automatically post blog posts on Facebook using Hootsuite

After you save the above, anytime you publish on your website/blog, Hootsuite will always be updating your Facebook for you with your latest blog posts. 

In next tutorial, I will share with you, how to schedule your blog posts to be published on Facebook, Twitter etc using Hootsuite.

 Are you also using hootsuite? Kindly share your experience. 

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