Saturday, 12 November 2016

Back Up Your Phone Contacts In This 3 Easy Steps


Phone numbers and contact information have always been very important, and can be very annoying to miss contacts in the address book, especially at the company level, which involves informing business partners and / Or customers. Losing this information can make a business miss out on great opportunities and special offers.

However, you can sync your contacts from the directory with your Google account and so do not lose again as they are stored in the cloud and be available at any time.

Follow the steps below to synchronize your contacts.

Step 1. Configure your Gmail account. Go to Settings, scroll to Accounts & Sync, and then click Add Account and see an option to add your Google Account. Click it and sign in to your Google Account.

Step 2. After you've added your Google Account, click this link and see a list of data that can be synchronized with your Google Account.

Step 3. Click "Contacts Synchronize" or "Contacts". Active auto-sync settings on your Android device to automatically sync contacts to track your Google account as you add new ones. (Enabling this option may reduce the battery life and cost of mobile data)

You can access your synchronized contacts on a device. All you need to do is sign in to your Google Account, sync your new device with your Google Account, and your contacts appear on the device. You can also visit Click in your web browser to view your contacts.

Using Configuration / USB

Using BBM

Using Gmail

I hope you find this post helpful and feel free to commnets below this post by hitting our comment box.

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