Friday, 11 November 2016

Adsense Verify account using the phone number

One thing is to get approved by adsense and another thing

Verify your adsense.

I know a blogger who waited for about 3 months to get your adsense PIN, but failed to reqeusted for another pin. He did this for the third time, but

He received no pin until google sent him telling him that the paid ads would not start showing on your blog.

I had no choice but to find ways to Verify your adsense. And he came up with the idea

Verify your adsense with your

phone number.

That's how he did it.


2) Make sure to fill out the form with geniune information (e-mail, name, ID editor ...)

3) Enter your phone number in your domain. Make sure the phone number you give is the same as the

The information in your AdSense account.

4) Finally, click on Send

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