Saturday, 12 November 2016

7 AutoBlogging Strategies

Autoblogs are like anything else in life "loose abuse" is why semi-automatic blogging is recommended. Especially during the first 8 weeks. As we all know the relevant coherent content is one of the key factors for correct placement. To answer your question about whether money can be made with autoblogs and there are several strategies, but one of the most popular approaches is:

- 10-12 articles have been optimized. 4-5 for your main keyword and the rest for related keywords in order of priority. You must have all your content ready before creating the blog.

- Program all articles and video ads consistently to make it look as natural as possible

- Broadcast these articles in a week for example: 2 articles and two videos per week. Just do one every two days

- Each autoblog has your list of plugins, which is very important because you do not want to overload the blog or site with themes and accessories.

Performance is the key to ranking, so be wary of the supplements you choose to use.

Although the base must have plugins must identify the tone and personality you want for your blog. These Autoblog days plugins now allow you to do this to some extent.

-When you have your content planned, structure, tone and personality, it's time to decide on a good Autoblog plugin. Again, it depends on the style, tone and personality you want to project. WP Robot OMI if used correctly can make money. Never let these plugins are automatically published, rather than publishing them as a project and taking 45 minutes a day to edit and optimize your message for next month and the key to me was to stay ahead and basically use the Autoblog complement -escribirme pre allowing me to move on.

-When you have content for the next 3 months and you know that everything is optimized and planned, then you can move on to the next niche.

I started because they now have several and that are not the end if you do well can then turn their autoblogs.

That's why I think autobloging half can make money and continue to build authority sites with good quality content.

If all this sounds like too much work, you can only buy pre-made autoblogs half, but free to

Send me if you want it to be settled for you. He has helped me in the past. (Be very careful scams are out there), I bought these autoblogs could create my own strategy.

Hope this helps

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